Foreworth is a software company with offices in Madrid and Malaga, Spain. We run an online platform that analyzes source code, providing clients with both code quality and team productivity metrics and recommendations.
All content published on the Foreworth website has been planned, produced, and developed by the CEO, managing directors, and expert content writers.
Foreworth’s editorial team independently manages the content of its website and blog. Partners and sponsors are not permitted to alter or influence the selection of published content. While we may have commercial relationships with third parties, these relationships and payments that may come from such collaborations do not influence the topics we decide to cover.
Foreworth’s content is primarily written by Foreworth employees who are subject-matter experts with a great deal of knowledge and experience in the business and technology sectors.
Foreworth has working relationships with other businesses in the sector that, at times, may contribute to the blog. Collaborators are carefully selected, and only pieces of content that meet our editorial quality standards are ultimately published.
Foreworth has working relationships with other businesses in the sector that, at times, may contribute to the blog. Collaborators are carefully selected, and only pieces of content that meet our editorial quality standards are ultimately published.
External links that are published by Foreworth are selected with the intent of giving readers the highest quality, valuable information possible. They are not published as a result of link exchange collaborations.
Foreworth’s editorial team takes great care in the selection of its sources, with each piece of content having been extensively reviewed by subject-matter experts before publishing.